Saturday, November 04, 2006

Step-By-Step Goal Setting Tutorial- ( 7 STEP )

Step-By-Step Goal Setting Tutorial- Total of 7- STEP.

Step1 > Step2 > Step 3 > Step 4 > Step 5 > Step 6 > Step 7 .

Step 1: Choose a Goal

You should start with one goal and stay focused on this goal at least for 30 days.

If after 30 days you feel you’re doing well and getting closer to the desired outcome you can start with the second goal.

The simple rule is: Don’t set a lot of goals at the same time.
You won’t achieve any. The key to goal setting is staying focused.
And it is impossible to focus at many goals at the same time.

Start with the most important one. Have you chose one?

Step 2: Intensify your Desire to Achieve your Goal.
Have you ever failed to achieve your goals?

Do you know the single most important reason why you couldn’t reach it?

The answer is simple: Because we did not have a strong enough desire.

Some may argue with that. "But I did have a strong desire and still I didn't get there."

Sorry, but if you didn’t reach your goal your desire was still not strong enough.

So what is the intense desire, passion?

It's what keeps people working all hours, up early, late to bed. The desire dominates conversation, thinking, actions.

Take a moment to think about the goal you've set for yourself.

  • How committed are you to achieving this goal?

  • Under what conditions would you give up?

  • What if you wanted them so badly that you knew with absolute certainty that you would absolutely, positively never ever give up?

Make sure your desire is strong enough and......

Step 3: Develop a Strong Belief That You Can Achieve Your Goal.

If you don't believe you can reach a goal you won’t.

If there is any doubt in your mind that you can achieve something, you don't give it your all. In fact, you may very well just set it aside. In order to fully achieve anything, you must believe it is possible at a cellular level.

If you believe that you can be successful, that you'll enjoy being successful, then you will be successful.

Do you really believe you can achieve your goal?
If yes,.. c

Step 4: Set a Deadline for Your Goal.
Set a realistic date when you plan to accomplish your goal.

Don’t commit to “as soon as possible”!

If you don’t have a specific deadline for your goal, you won’t have a sense of urgency and you’ll start to put things off. What’s the hurry, if you don’t have a deadline?

Deadline will move you to action!

After you set a deadline it's time to . Set a realistic date when you plan to accomplish your goal.

Don’t commit to “as soon as possible”!

If you don’t have a specific deadline for your goal, you won’t have a sense of urgency and you’ll start to put things off. What’s the hurry, if you don’t have a deadline?

Deadline will move you to action!

After you set a deadline it's time to Go to the next ...

Step 5: Write Your Goal Down.
You’ve probably heard hundreds of times that
it is crucial to write your goal down.

But do you know why this step is so important?

When you put pen to paper you turn your thoughts into something tangible.

You can actually see it, touch it, and even smell it if you want to.

Your goal is no longer just a thought!

It becomes something, what motivates us and creates a gut feeling inside.

Even the act of using the eye in coordination with the hand holding

the pen makes a much stronger impression on our mind as we

write out the phrase or expression.

Now when we read and re-read that phrase or sentence the impression

on the mind becomes deeper and deeper.

There is something semi-magical about writing one's goals down which

makes achieving well-written goals an almost certainty.

Write your goal down and.......
Step 6: Break Your Goal Down ToMini-Goals
Now is the time to start planning the route towards your goal!

We’ll start by breaking up your big goal into smaller mini-goals.

Most people fail to achieve their goal simply because they don’t

break them down into smaller steps. All they can see is this big

overwhelming goal they’ve set for themselves and they

don’t know where to start working on it!

  • Mini-goals let you track your progress more efficiently
  • Mini-goals are not so overwhelming
  • Mini-goals are easier to achieve
  • Mini-goals let you feel the progress.

Every goal can be broken into mini goals. Mini goals should never

be too difficult or too long. You don’t want to be overwhelmed by them.

Ask yourself: “What steps do I need to take to achieve my goal?”

These steps will be your mini-goals.

After defining your mini-goals.....

Step 7: Define Your Tasks for EveryMini-Goal..

We’re going to make it even easier. We’ll break down every

mini-goal into small easy-to-accomplish tasks.

Tasks are usually the simple things you must do to accomplish a mini-goal.

If you've set a mini-goal, for example, to have a complete understanding

about investing in bonds by June 15th, you will have to accomplish

a number of tasks for acquiring that knowledge.

  • Choosing to go to the library and get a book on bonds would be a task.

  • Reading the book for one hour on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday,

  • could be three separate tasks.

  • Visiting the Investors Skills' website for their bond information would be another task.

  • Calling your buddy who's had success in the bond market would be a task as well.

All of these tasks must be set with a deadline.

By focusing your mind on the easy-to-accomplish tasks, and completing those tasks,

you'll be making great progress towards your mini-goals without feeling overwhelmed.

Make sure to write down ALL tasks, even those that take only minutes to complete.

Then, when they're accomplished, check them off.

As more and more tasks are successfully accomplished, and checked off,

you'll find yourself becoming more encouraged, and more confident about your abilities.

And the more tasks you complete on time, the closer you'll be to success.....

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